Thursday, April 7, 2016

How Noticeable is Invisalign®?

Invisalign®, as the name implies, is made to be invisible and provide an alternative to metal braces that is hard to detect on teeth. Invisalign®’s appeal is its discreet, low profile that makes it virtually unnoticeable. When patients ask, “How noticeable is Invisalign®?” our office provides the following information to help them understand what their smiles will look like while wearing the clear aligners:

No Coverage of Soft Tissue
– Invisalign®’s patented design covers only dental enamel. The tops of the aligner trays are scalloped so they do not extend over your gum line, helping them to look as minimally noticeable as possible. Other brands of clear aligners are straight along the top, with the plastic extending over gums.

Custom Fit – By being precisely molded to the shape of your teeth, each Invisalign® aligner tray is made to hug your smile. The trays do not appear bulky and are so well-matched to existing teeth shape that they blend right into your smile.

Specialized Thermoplastic – Invisalign® uses see-though plastic to help achieve its low profile on teeth. With thermoplastic, your aligners allow your real teeth to shine through and do not look cloudy or artificial.

While Invisalign® is intended to look as low-profile as possible, there are some bad habits that can change the way the aligners look on your teeth.

Habits that Can Affect Invisibility of Aligner Trays

Improperly cleaning your aligner tray with abrasive materials can scratch the surface of the plastic, making your orthodontics look less discrete. When cleaning your aligners, be sure to brush them gently with a soft bristled tooth brush only when needed and to rinse them out with water the rest of the time. Do not use toothpaste on clear aligner trays, as this will cloud the plastic.

Remember to always take Invisalign® out while eating and drinking. The only thing you can consume with your aligners in is water. Drinking beverages with pigment or the ability to stain can discolor the plastic and make your trays look obvious. Aligners should also be stored properly for the occasional times they are not in place, as bending or otherwise physically damaging them will prevent proper function properly and discreet appearance on teeth.

Invisalign® Questions? Contact our Jacksonville Invisalign® Dentists

If you have additional questions about what Invisalign® looks like or the results you can expect with clear braces, contact our office today for your consultation.